A hand pours a concentrate into a pot of oil for infusing, by Ron Lach via Pexels

ABV Coconut Oil – What It Is & How To Make It

High There

By High There

January 16, 2022

If you’d like to get the maximum use out of your cannabis you’re in the right place!

ABV oil is a great way to eliminate wastage after you’ve put your vaporizer to good use, and given how easy it is to make, it’s no surprise that ABV oil is quickly growing in popularity.

If you’re unfamiliar with ABV coconut oil it can be difficult to know where to start. Luckily there’s no need to feel overwhelmed! We’ve compiled a complete guide to ABV coconut oil that includes all the must-know info, from preparation instructions to dosages.

What is ABV Weed?

Let’s start with the basics:

ABV weed- which is shortened from ‘already been vaped’- is the material left in your dry herb vape after you finish vaping.

ABV weed is usually brown, rather than green. It also smells distinctly different from fresh marijuana, because it has already been heated and dehydrated.

Though vaping releases between 50 and 80% of the cannabinoids contained in the weed, ABV can still contain 20-50% of the herb’s original cannabinoids, meaning it’s well worth saving.

While many vapers will simply clean the ABV out of their herb chamber after a session, it can be collected and used. This eliminates waste and allows you to maximize the enjoyment you get out of each gram of dry herb. If you’re a frequent vaper, this is certainly worth doing.

A small pile of "AVB", or "already vaped bud", by AHPhotoswpg via iStock

What is ABV Coconut Oil?

When ABV is infused in coconut oil, ABV coconut oil – or cannaoil – is produced.

Due to its fatty acid content, coconut oil infuses already vaped weed flower more effectively than other oils. For this reason, it’s a popular choice among ABV enthusiasts.

It can be used in cooking or consumed in its raw form. Though it contains fewer cannabinoids and terpenes than fresh herb, it can still produce effects comparable to other edibles, including a deep, “stoney” body high that lasts for quite some time.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Aside from its effectiveness at infusing cannabis, coconut oil is often chosen over vegetable and olive oil for its health benefits. Here are just some of the proven health advantages of coconut oil:

  • It is antimicrobial and antifungal. Due to its lauric acid content, coconut oil can have antimicrobial effects against some microorganisms that cause disease.
  • It can improve your skin and hair. Coconut oil is commonly used in skincare and haircare products because of its hydrating properties. It has been proven to effectively combat the effects of dry skin conditions like atopic dermatitis.
  • It’s good for your oral hygiene. It can be used as a mouthwash, in a practice known as oil pulling, which can reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  • It encourages fat burning. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (), which have been found to increase the speed that your body burns calories. This means that it may promote weight loss in the proper environments

(and for more on this topic, make sure to check out our “

” article for a full breakdown on the different types of coconut oil, and what to expect from them)

Why Use Already Been Vaped Weed?

A primary reason to use ABV is simple: To save money. If you vape on a daily basis, the cost of cannabis flower can stack up over time. Making your weed go further will make a noticeable difference to your budget.

When you use a dry herb vape, you’re only enjoying around 50-80% of the cannabinoids contained within your plant material. The ABV left in the contains the remaining active ingredients- so why not make sure you’re getting every last bit of value from your purchase?

What Can You Do with Canna Infused Coconut Oil?

The uses for cannabis-infused coconut oil are practically endless! While you can use it like you would regular coconut oil for skin or hair care, you’ll enjoy its psychoactive ingredients if you ingest it. When it comes to consumption, you’ve got a few options:

Using ABV Coconut Oil in Recipes

Though you can use ABV coconut oil (or any other cannabis-infused oil) in whatever method of cooking you’d like, for both infused oils in general and coconut oil in particular, low-temperature and cold preparations are generally preferred.

For infused oils in general, higher temperatures will result in cannabinoids being lost either to vaporization or being turned into carbon (IE: burning). Processes such as baking work to trap cannabinoids inside the end product, such as brownies or muffins, but open-air cooking, such as frying or sauteing, will likely see a large degradation of quality  in the end product.

For some coconut oils in particular, though, high temperatures can easily lead to burned oil, and thus a wasted infusion. The “smoke point” (IE: temperature where an oil begins to burn) for coconut oil varies on the type being used – Refined coconut oils can handle temperatures up to 425°F, while virgin and MCT coconut oils should both be kept at temperatures in the low 300°F range.

Eat It As It Is

If you’re after a quicker method of dosing you can eat ABV coconut as it is, without using it while cooking. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, and this makes it easy to spoon and consume on its own. Different coconut oil types will have more or less flavor than others, typically depending on how refined they are; in general, if using a highly-refined coconut oil, expect it to have a more neutral flavor than other fats such as olive oil.

To mellow the smell and taste of your ABV, you can water cure it by submerging it in water for a period of time. This won’t affect the cannabinoids but will remove a lot of the undesirable flavor. Water curing before infusion can make your coconut oil easier to consume, as the flavor and aroma can be rather strong.

Determining the strength of your cannabis coconut oil is important, and can be tricky to know when making this infusion at home. For dosing, try just one teaspoonful at first, and allow plenty of time for the effects to kick in as you digest it; taking coconut oil raw in this form will provide effects similar to any other edible product, so be sure to give it time to take effect before redosing with another bite (and for more information on the subject, make sure to check out our article “


close-up image of cheesecloth inside a measuring cup

How Do You Infuse Coconut Oil With AVB?

So, now that we’ve hopefully sold you on the idea of reducing your weed waste and saving money using AVB, you’re probably wondering how to make cannabis-infused coconut oil from the browned weed in your vape.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the process is simple, provided you have the correct equipment and avoid some common mistakes. Read on for a step-by-step explanation of how to make ABV coconut oil, followed by important storage information.

List of Supplies Needed to Make Cannabis Coconut Oil

There are a few things you’ll need to make ABV coconut oil. Before you begin the process, ensure you have the following supplies:

  • A crockpot.
  • A fine strainer or piece of cheesecloth.
  • A pot of coconut oil of your choice.
  • ABV (or fresh herb).

While other edible cannabis products use more complex ingredients like vegetable glycerin and soy lecithin, cannabis coconut oil requires only basic ingredients, making this recipe easy to get right on the first try.

Heat Coconut Oil Until it is in Liquid Form

Coconut is solid at room temperature, so you’ll first need to melt it into a liquid. Add a small amount of coconut oil to your crockpot, and heat it until it has melted.

Add AVB Weed to the Slow Cooker

Before adding your AVB to the oil, ensure that it is finely ground or powdered. Provided you ground your weed before vaping it, your AVB should already have a fine consistency.

Add your herb into the crock pot and mix it with a small amount of melted coconut oil.

Add Just Enough Coconut Oil to Cover the Weed

To ensure a correct ratio of weed to oil, add just about enough to cover the ABV. Once you’ve added the right amount of coconut oil to your crock pot, it’s a good idea to stir the oil to ensure that all of the bud is submerged.

Cook on Low

Now you’ve added all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to slowly cook your ABV coconut oil. We’d recommend cooking on low for at least 6 hours- the longer the better, so around 10-12 hours is ideal.

A longer heating time leads to a fuller extraction, provided the oil never reaches a boil. To avoid reducing the potency of your ABV plant material, ensure the temperature of your crock-pot never rises above medium; if your oil begins to bubble heavily or boil, you’ve likely already ruined your infusion, but this shouldn’t happen so long your crock pot remains on low.

Strain and Enjoy!

After 6-12 hours of cooking on low it’s time to strain your cannabis oil to remove the ABV. While the mixture is still in liquid form, use a cheesecloth or strainer to strain the oil. Once strained, pour into a mason jar or other storage container and leave to harden. Once solidified, it should be somewhat greenish-brown in color.

Once your oil has hardened, you’ll have a mason jar of potent cannabis oil that you can use in recipes or consume on its own. Eating weed is the most potent way to consume it, so remember to test your oil’s strength before over-using it in a dish.

What is the Ratio of Coconut Oil to Bud?

There are no precise measurements when it comes to the ABV and oil ratio. Add the right amount of coconut oil to fully cover your weed and ensure the resulting mixture is “loose” – Too much oil will weaken your infusion, while too much AVB won’t allow the oil to extract all of its cannabinoids.

Provided you stick to this general rule, your ABV coconut oil will be potent and effective!

Best Ways to Store Your ABV Coconut Oil

While other oils like olive oil and vegetable oil are liquid at room temperature, coconut oil is solid below 76 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that there’s no need to refrigerate your oil. To maximize its lifespan, simply store it in a dark and dry spot in your home.

When it comes to oil storage, there are a few popular options. These are:

A mason jar

If you’ve got a mason jar lying around the house it can effectively store your ABV coconut oil after straining. Coconut oil lasts longer in an airtight container, so it’s a good idea to ensure that your mason jar has a rubber seal that traps air out.

A plastic container

The main alternative to a glass jar is a plastic storage container. If you’ve made a large quantity of ABV oil, you may want to use the original container that your coconut oil came in.

Other plastic pots will also work just as well. To prevent light exposure from shortening your oil’s shelf life, you might want to consider an opaque, dark-colored container. If you have somewhere dark to store your oil, though, the light shouldn’t be a major concern.

A lovely bunch of coconuts, and oil, by Tijana Drndarski via Unsplash

Dosing of ABV Coconut Oil

It’s difficult to determine the exact dosage of THC in your ABV coconut oil – it depends on a number of factors, including how effectively you carry out the extraction process, how effective your vaporizer is, how much THC was in your cannabis to begin with, and so on.

Although the dosage can’t typically be accurately calculated, it can be estimated. This will give you a rough idea of the strength of your cannabis coconut oil.

To estimate the dose, you need to know the rough THC content of your dry cannabis; the dispensary your plant material was purchased from should be able give you this information. If your marijuana is home grown, you may be able to find a percentage estimate online by looking up the strain.

If your flower is 15% THC, each gram contains a maximum of 150mg. You won’t be able to extract the full amount, though- a good extraction may produce 100mg, while a lower absorption rate may extract 50mg per gram of dry weed.

If you’re intending to use your cannabis coconut oil for a particular edible recipe, you’ll need to determine the intended dosage of each medicated treat. 10mg of THC per edible is a good place for beginners to start, though you may want to go as high as 50mg depending on your needs and tolerance levels.

By multiplying your intended dose by how many treats you intend to make in a batch, you can figure out how much total THC you require. If you’re making 9 brownies at 10mg each, and your weed is 15% THC, only a gram of cannabis is required. To err on the side of caution, you could use 1.5-2g of weed.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

If you’re completely new to the world of infused oil, making cannabis coconut oil may seem confusing. Thankfully, the process isn’t as difficult as you may think.

To produce a potent and high-quality final product, avoid falling into these common traps.

No Need to Decarb

When using ABV flower, you don’t need to decarb your weed! This point can’t be emphasized enough. If you try to decarb your ABV herb, you’ll risk burning it and making infusion impossible.

Vaping is a form of decarboxylation. This means that when you vape weed with a convection or conduction vaporizer, your vape’s heating device de-carbs the herb for you. ABV weed, then, is already de-carbed, meaning when infusing ABV, there’s no need to worry about an extra decarbing process.

Incorrect Straining

To produce a smooth canna oil, you’ll need to effectively strain the residual ABV weed from your hot coconut oil. The best way to do this is to use a mesh strainer, a paper coffee filter, or a cheesecloth with a very tight weave.

Because the flower is finely ground, a wide-holed colander won’t do the trick- you’ll end up with unpleasant bits of dry weed in your oil. Similarly, a cheesecloth with a loose weave will allow small pieces of ABV through.

To ensure a smooth final product, ensure you’re using the correct straining method. Incorrect straining will lead to pieces of plant matter ruining the taste of your coconut oil.

Different Ways to Make Canna Coconut Oil

Although the crockpot method detailed above is the simplest way of producing cannabis coconut oil, it’s not the only available method.

When making oil infused with ABV plant material, you can use either a crockpot or a stovetop. Both heating methods will have similar effects, so your choice of method depends entirely on your personal preference.

Here’s an overview of the two main ways of making cannabis oil, including the advantages and drawbacks of each.


The most popular way of making cannabis coconut oil is to infuse plant material in a crockpot. You may be wondering, why is this method the go-to of edible experts around the world? Check out the pros and cons below.


  • It’s a safe process. Unlike pots on a stove, slow cookers are designed to be used for extended periods. When infusing with a crockpot, you can leave your oil to cook away on low all day. Assuming no other electrical issues arrive, you can even leave the house without having to worry about a fire hazard.
  • It’s cheap. Although high-end appliances will set you back $100 or more, you can purchase a budget crockpot for as little as $25. If you’re intending to make ABV oil regularly, this expense is definitely a worthy investment!
  • It’s easy. While traditional cooking methods require you to keep a close eye on the pan, slow cookers provide the ultimate hands-off process. Once your ingredients are in the crockpot, you’ll only need to stir every few hours. Keep the heat on low, and return in 4-6 hours to a batch of potent ABV oil!


  • Appliance availability. If you don’t already have a crockpot in your kitchen, you may prefer to opt for a different method. That being said, a crockpot is a worthy investment if you’ve got $20 and some countertop space to spare.

Double Boiler

An alternative to the classic crockpot method is to use a double boiler. This is simply a saucepan with an upper compartment that is heated by steam from water boiling in the bottom. While this method is the most laborious, it’s consistently effective.


  • It prevents hotspots. While saucepans can lead to hotspots that warm your ABV weed inconsistently, double boilers provide even heating across the pan’s surface. As they use steam rather than direct heat, they minimize the risk of scorching and ruining your herb.
  • Has a slightly shorter cooking time. While a crockpot uses the low and slow method, this method will take a few hours less (around 4-6 in total).
  • Comes at a low price. Purchasing a double pan setup is even cheaper than buying a crockpot. If you don’t already have saucepans that would work well, double boilers cost less than $20 across the board. If you don’t want to commit to a crockpot that you’ll only use occasionally, a versatile double boiling pan setup may be preferable.


  • It’s labor-intensive. To prevent overheating from degrading the cannabinoids in your weed, you’ll need to monitor your double boiler’s temperature with a thermometer. You’ll also need to keep an eye on the water level in the lower pan and stir your oil regularly throughout.
  • Needs monitoring. While a crockpot can be left for around 6 hours unattended, your stovetop will need to be monitored regularly while it’s on. Even on low, an unattended hob poses a safety risk, so you won’t be able to leave the house while your ABV oil is infusing.

Top Tips For Infusing Oil With ABV

Because ABV oil has gained popularity in recent years, there’s lots of information online about how best to make it. Some experts recommend adding lecithin to aid infusion – while this can be beneficial, particularly if planning on using your end oil for certain recipes, it’s not necessary for most applications.

Whether you’re planning on using your oil in baked goods or consuming it on its own, you can’t go wrong if you stick to our advice. Here are our top tips for making ABV coconut oil, based on first-hand experience and the science behind cannabis edibles.

Remember: ABV is Already Decarbed

As we mentioned above, an easy mistake to make is treating your ABV like regular dry flower, and thinking that it needs to be decarboxylated before it can be infused. Thankfully, ABV is already decarbed from the vaping process.

This means that you don’t have to decarb it yourself. If you attempt to decarboxylate ABV herb, you risk scorching it and destroying the precious cannabinoids.

To avoid wasting your weed, don’t double decarb. Once you’ve removed the ABV from your vape’s chamber, simply mix it with coconut oil and cook on low for 6 hours or more.

Use a Lidded Appliance to Minimize Smell

Infusing coconut oil is a long process. Over 6 hours or more, the plant material will undoubtedly release a strong smell- though you may not notice it gradually growing stronger if you’ve been amongst it for the whole time.

If you want discretion, opt for an cooking appliance that will trap the smell effectively. When purchasing a crockpot for this purpose, look for a tight-fitting lid with some fashion of seal around the edge; though this won’t be 100% effective it will help (expect a strongly-scented blast on opening the lid, though).

Don’t Rush the Process

When it comes to making ABV canna oil, your mantra should be ‘slow and steady wins the race’. The process is a protracted one; trying to rush it risks failure. Overheating your ABV will destroy its cannabinoids, so patience is very important.

Before you begin, ensure you’ll have enough time to see the process through to the end. If you’ve got a crockpot, you won’t have to monitor the oil as closely, but regardless, you’ll need a dedicated spot in your kitchen for at least 6 hours.

Provided you heat the ABV in the oil gently for 6 hours or more, you can’t go wrong.

Remember to Strain Correctly

Once you’ve infused your coconut oil, the last thing you want is to ruin your oil by straining it incorrectly. Before you begin the infusion, ensure that you’ve got effective straining equipment on hand. This can be a fine strainer, a paper coffee strainer, or a cheesecloth.

Anything with large holes will let the plant crumbs through, while anything too fine won’t allow the oil to pass through.

If using a cheesecloth, you’ll want to gently squeeze the cloth to release all of the oil. Avoid over-squeezing, because this will just release more chlorophyll into your oil. This doesn’t contain any THC or CBD, and won’t improve the flavor in any way.

This is, however, one place where you may want to move quickly – As mentioned before, coconut oil begins to solidify at room temperatures, meaning if your oil is allowed to cool too much, you may be left with a weed-studded lump of coconut fat in your strainer.

An assortment of eyedroppers and lotion bottles, by Monsetra via Pexels


Do you need to water cure ABV?

Water curing is when you soak your ABV in water for anywhere from a few hours to a few days, to neutralize the lingering burnt weed taste.

While you don’t need to water cure ABV before using it for infusion, water curing can remove a lot of the taste and smell. If you particularly dislike the taste of ABV in your edibles, water curing is a good idea.

The smell and taste aren’t completely removed by water curing, but water-cured ABV is certainly less detectable in food than regular ABV.

What is the best way to use ABV?

ABV is a versatile by-product that can be used in many different ways. Here are just some of the most popular ways to use ABV day-to-day:

  • Drink in tea or coffee. ABV can be added to your coffee grounds or loose leaf tea and
  • Infuse in oil. As outlined above, ABV can be infused in coconut oil or any other oil of your choice.
  • Consume on food. Because ABV has already been decarbed, you can sprinkle it on your food to feel the effects. If you can’t be bothered to bake with your ABV, simply consume it on some toast, with peanut butter, jelly or chocolate spread to mask the taste.
  • Ingest in a capsule. If you’d rather not taste the ABV while consuming it, you can make it into capsules to swallow. These are best taken with food- as ABV on an empty stomach can cause irritation.
  • Smoke in a joint. While this won’t be as effective as eating, ABV can be smoked. It’s best used as a tobacco substitute for those looking to cut down but won’t taste as fresh as regular dry flower.

What is the ratio of coconut oil to bud?

Your ratio will vary depending on how strong you want your oil to be- this is a matter of personal preference.

While there’s not a set ratio, there is a general rule you should stick to. For a potent ABV oil, you should add just enough coconut oil to completely cover the weed. An excess of oil will dilute the THC, whereas too little oil will hamper the infusion process.

Final Thoughts

Eating decarboxylated weed is the most efficient way of consuming cannabis, followed closely by vaporization. If you’re a fan of vaping and edibles both,  there’s no better way to re-use your vape’s leftovers than by turning ABV into cannabis coconut oil – After all, rather than getting rid of the dust remaining in your vape chamber, why not put it to good use?

Many vapers don’t realize the cannabinoid content of ABV. Vaping only releases 50-80% of the THC, CBD, and terpenes in dry herb. This means that ABV can contain up to half of the active ingredients contained in your weed! If you’re a regular vaper, discarding ABV after every session amounts to a massive waste of cannabinoids.

From capsules to coffee, there are many ways to consume ABV. In our expert opinion, infused coconut oil is one of the best ABV options available. Once you’ve put the time into making it, it’s long-lasting and easy to use. It allows you to get the most from your ABV at a low cost!

This versatile weed product can be eaten on its own or used in all manner of recipes, from a classic brownie mix to a salad dressing. If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective pick-me-up, ABV infused oil is perfect.

Hopefully, you now understand what ABV is, and how it can be effectively infused in coconut oil. If in any doubt, simply refer back to our top tips for making cannabis-infused coconut oil.

Happy munching!

High There

About The Author

High There