Cannabis Security Tech

Cannabis Security Tech

High There

By High There

February 12, 2019

The evolution of the cannabis industry has created a wealth of opportunity for countless industry aspects, from seed, to sale, to security of the product throughout the process. 

is only fueling the cannabis industry further, allowing for automation to take over certain aspects of growing and selling the plant that human error normally plays a role in.  As legalization heats up across the country and we get ever closer to a better federal classification of cannabis, the industry is booming, and that creates a need for more stringent security and stricter compliances for legal states.

We look at how cannabis security technology has evolved throughout this process to maintain regulation compliance while also optimizing and improving security efficiency overall.  Let’s dive in to see how security tech in the cannabis industry has evolved and what that means for security in the future. Some things, after all, could even change the way we know certain aspects of the cannabis industry.

Security Companies See the Potential

As the cannabis industry has grown so exponentially throughout the past few years, security companies have taken notice.  Many startups have taken the opportunity to specialize as a cannabis security service, which not only work as security systems, but also as compliance systems.

In fact, “cannabis security” tech companies are merely compliance companies that do some work in the security aspect as well.  Security for the cannabis industry isn’t so much video cameras and alarms, but rather, the overall compliance package that a security company can offer.  A cannabis dispensary or business must have a certain number of alarms and video cameras to satisfy local or state inspections.  A security company that specializes purely in marijuana businesses can ensure you’re meeting these requirements.

Multi-Purpose Monitoring Systems

So, it’s pretty easy to see here, the theme for proper cannabis security is not just security, but also compliance.  As a result, monitoring systems designed for dispensaries and other marijuana-related businesses have that precise dual role.

This is because with how many regulations and rules there are for owning and operating a cannabis business, you’re likely to be caught up in something criminal accidentally without the proper monitoring system in place.  Human error is far too common to let something like it ruin your chances at a successful marijuana business.

Regulated Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

While you don’t want to go for the cheapest option, you also don’t have to go into operating a cannabis business thinking you have to spend hundreds of thousands on a security system starting out.  On the contrary, with how streamlined the security aspect of the industry is now, you can find an affordable regulated security system that keeps you compliant, secure, and safe at all times.

A company with more bells and whistles will almost definitely cost more, so weigh your options out for what you absolutely need in a security system for your business and what you can do without.  It may even be better to speak with a representative from the security company you’re considering to be fully educating on their services and perhaps a customized, personalized security plan for your business.

Go Beyond Compliant

While you don’t want to shop for the most expensive security company to help you with your cannabis business, you also don’t want to go for the company just focused on compliance.  The “security” aspect – as in, making sure no one is stealing from your business – is still an inherent part of that company’s responsibility.

Go above and beyond just compliant and move up past what the minimum state regulators give you a green light for.  Cannabis security tech has evolved to the point that you can ensure no one is going to break in and you’re going to remain compliant all in one fell swoop.

What Evolved Cannabis Security Tech Can Do

If you’re a cannabis business, dispensary, or even an enthusiastic consumer interested in the subject, there are some things you shouldn’t go without for your security system.

Early Detection

The focus for security should be early detection, which are typically exterior cameras with real-time notifications enabled.  These notifications can be sent, live, to multiple people, including a company that can monitor the video off-site to verify if it looks criminal or not.  Key early detection steps like this are integral for your security.

Highest-Value Asset Priority

The parts of your operation that produce the most “return” for criminals should be seen as the highest-value assets in your workplace’s layout.  These are typically dry storage items, with plants being the second priority item.  This is because dry storage, in value, is worth many times more than that of raw plant material.  A security system should have the highest-value assets as a priority, with internal protocols for what to do if those assets are ever breached.

Strict as a Bank

Many cannabis businesses are still operating under a cash-only policy, which means they’re handling a lot of cash on any given day.  External security for the perimeter of your business should be as strict as a bank’s, with that logic, as you can know immediately who is around your facilities at any time of the day. This external security measure means both visual and audio cameras, high-decimal alarms when after hours, concrete bollards, and even security guards depending on how much cash you have on hand at any time.

Storage Locked Tight

Even if they do get in, though, wherever you store your cash and your products after hours is also an important factor.  You can keep the exterior as secure as a bank, but in the event someone does happen to get in, they wouldn’t have much success with a vaulted safe that’s been bolted to the floor and weighs about 2,000 pounds.

Remember Your Biggest Threat

Unfortunately, the most common jobs for crimes performed in a dispensary or other cannabis business are inside jobs.  Internal theft is the biggest threat to growing your operation, so watch out for a security tech company that has internal security protocols that are as strict and robust as their exterior protocols.

Security tech is evolving at a faster rate than ever before, keeping the cannabis industry safe and advancing us ever forward.  What about security tech has changed since you’ve known about it?

High There

About The Author

High There