A lineup of oOYes sexual wellness cannabis products

Courtesy of oOYes

Sex and Cannabis: Enjoying More (and Better) Sex with oOYes

Keegan Williams

By Keegan Williams

December 22, 2022

Many will affirm that cannabis has the potential to make most good things even better, and sex is no exception. Most adults have (and enjoy) sex, so why not push it to the next level? We’re talking all about sex and cannabis.

Some people might already include cannabis as a part of their sex lives without thinking much about it — maybe sharing a

with a partner acts as a form of foreplay, an erotic invitation to mellow out before physically connecting. But we’ve come a long way in today’s modern world of cannabis, as the industry now boasts a number of sex-specific products maximizing pleasure for consumers.

Courtesy of oOYes

Meet oOYes

Among this niche within the cannabis industry is aptly-named cannabis brand

. CEO Tanya Griffin founded the company following a storied career embracing her passions. Griffin started her journey in 1995 with her stores, Kangaroo Kids, where she worked as a lactation consultant helping families with breastfeeding and parenting needs. 

As her kids grew up, Griffin shifted her attention to plant-based medicine and cannabis specifically. Now, she’s looking to help others have more, and better, sex with oOYes and its line of products, created by women for everyone.

With its collection of cannabis-infused, sex-positive formulations, oOYes leans into a retro sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll vibe, featuring a wide array of sex products fitting for a number of bedroom endeavors. Griffin said the products are “designed to open communication and help you show up and stay present in sex, even if that means sex with yourself!”

Courtesy of oOYes

The sex lifestyle brand’s catalogue features travel-sized offerings for “cannagasmic sex,” Griffin said, including lubes, elixirs, massage candles and dry mouth lozenges. For folks looking to try out the brand’s array of products, oOYes also sells a number of oOBox bundles as well.


, is described as the “perfect combo for a fun-filled night of oral sex and sensual massage,” or folks can try out the All Lubed Up “ultimate bundle for lubrications.” A third offering, the Self Pleasure box, is also tailor-made for people with vulvas, “combining our Groove Grease Massage Oil Candle that melts into a luxurious oil ideal for an erotic massage with our Roll Baby Roll Roll-On Sex Oil that has the perfect rollerball applicator to stimulate the clitoris will keep her oOing all night long.”

Courtesy of oOYes

How Does Cannabis Enhance Sexual Wellness Products?

Of course, when talking about sexual wellness products, it’s already clear that there are a wide array of options that can fall under the umbrella.

One of the most innovative sexual wellness products in cannabis is lube. While normal lube is made to lubricate the area before sex and reduce friction, cannabis-infused lubes not only offer this function but they are specifically designed to improve sexual activity and sexual pleasure. 

Cannabis-infused lubricants can include THC, though brands like oOYes use full spectrum CBD, CBG and terpenes, increasing access to folks all around the country.

Most cannabis-infused

are formulated for people with vaginas, since they have more mucus membranes where the lube can work. People with penises can also use infused lube, though it’s generally best to apply to the rectum instead of the penis to ensure enough cannabinoids are absorbed. 

act as a vasodilator as they absorb through the skin, widening the blood vessels so more blood can flow to the genital area. This is essentially how the magic happens.

Cannabis-infused lubes typically start working as soon as 15-30 minutes after absorbing through the skin. Because of the vasodilator action and impacts to the endocannabinoid system, potential effects include stronger or prolonged arousal, improved sensations and increased sensitivity,

and more comfortable during and following sex. Other potential effects include reducing vaginal dryness and increasing moisture, contributing to longer, better and more frequent orgasms and all around assisting with relaxation.

Courtesy of oOYes

, moisturizers and the like have similar topical benefits, though brands like oOYes go even further with their catalogs. The infused Bee Wild Tantric Honey, for one, is used to increase sexual arousal. “Whether you lick, drizzle, or drip, this tantric honey is sure to excite and induce a wild night,” the product reads. 

oOYes even thinks a bit outside the box. For those who enjoy toking up with their partner, or partners, before getting frisky, a dry mouth could be a dreaded result. As oOYes says about its

, “Everything is better wet!” The lozenges are made with a blend of herbs and spices that activate the flow of saliva, immediately providing relief from the dry mouth associated with cannabis.

So, it’s true, there are a multitude of ways folks can incorporate cannabis as part of their sex lives. And given the relative infancy of this industry, and the cannabis industry as a whole, we’re sure to continue seeing more innovations and findings that help to inform cannabis sexual wellness products and continue improving the sex lives of those using them.

Courtesy of oOYes

Promoting Sexual Pleasure and Growing with the Industry

The team at oOYes also understands that folks may be interested about breaking the seal around cannabis and sexual wellness without knowing where to start. Fortunately, they already have it covered.


is designed to open communication between partner(s),” Griffin said. “It allows participants to take an online sex quiz answering oOYes, oONo or oOMaybeso to 100 sex acts that can be discretely share with partner(s) with only those sex acts you both answered oOYes or oOMaybeso to.”

According to Griffin, the quiz is built for individuals to explore their sexuality and for couples to open up communication around sex with a fun and playful online quiz. The oOYes Sex Quiz 2.0 also includes a portal for influencers, OnlyFans content creators, sex therapists, retailers and partners to enable data to be anonymously shared.

Courtesy of oOYes

Griffin specifically shouted out the oOYes Sex Quiz as one of her greatest accomplishments at the company so far, alongside the brand’s eight cannabis-infused sex products, “that help you show up and stay present for more and better sex,” she said. 

Of course, we had to ask Griffin about her favorite, go-to oOYes product to use during sex.

“I absolutely love

! This massage oil candle is designed to be lit, dripped and drizzled all over each other and is made with our patented beefused wax and honey, 1,000mg of and and flavored with orange creamsicle terpenes,” she said.

Looking ahead, Griffin said oOYes is simply looking to continue bringing more and better sex to the world. 

“We believe that showing up and staying present is the key to great sex and know that oOYes can take you there,” Griffin concluded.

Courtesy of oOYes

The oOYes ecstatic sex line currently sells nationwide via boutique retail, sex shops, bars, nightclubs and mini-bars in select hotels. You can also purchase products directly through the

and even save a bit of money! 

Use the coupon code “HIGHTHERE20” to receive 20 percent off your entire order!

In addition to the brand’s current line of products, oOYes also builds community via pop-ups and events. Keep up with the brand on

and to find events near you.

Keegan Williams

About The Author

Keegan Williams