An eyedropper of CBD oil, by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash

Photo credit: Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash

What Does CBD Feel Like?

High There

By High There

November 24, 2020

CBD, also known as

, is one of the active ingredients found in cannabis. It’s the second most prevalent ingredient and has become really popular recently because of changes in laws. Despite being one of the components of cannabis, CBD by itself doesn’t have any psychoactive components and .

Because cannabidiol doesn’t give off any psychoactive effects, you’ll feel it differently from the way you feel THC. The two of these molecules interact differently with the endocannabinoid system (ECS); while the interaction of THC with the ECS can give off psychoactive effects, CBD’s interaction will give off more of a soothing and calming effect.

The answer to the question of “how does CBD make you feel?” isn’t an easy one to divine. Your personal endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating and processing many different systems in the body, often customized to your specific genetic code – because your ECS is personalized, your experience with CBD will be personalized, as well. Let’s take a deep look into what CBD is, how CBD extracts are made, and what CBD may feel like for you.

How is CBD Oil Produced?

CBD oil is made by extracting cannabidiol from the cannabis or hemp plant and diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hempseed oil.

The extraction process of hemp oil from a hemp plant involves passing a solvent through dried plant material in order to separate the active components and compounds. A dark, crude oil is the result of this process, containing cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids, and chlorophyll. From here, the crude oil product can be extracted further until the final desired product is reached. Once the final product is created, the extract is then combined with a carrier oil and becomes CBD oil.

Cannabis (or hemp) seeds and plant next to an eyedropper filled with oil, by CBD Infos Com via Pixabay
Photo credit: CBD Infos com via Pixabay

Different Types of CBD oil

The two classifications of plants that produce CBD are hemp and marijuana. The molecular structure of CBD is the same regardless of the source, but the difference between the chemical makeup of hemp and marijuana plants will lead to CBD oil products having different effects.

Hemp derived CBD oil vs. marijuana derived oil

The main difference between hemp derived CBD oil vs. marijuana derived CBD oil is that hemp CBD oil will not make you feel “high” or produce an intoxicating effect.

Industrial hemp plants are grown to produce many different things like rope, clothing and paper. Under US law, hemp plants and hemp derived products must contain

than 0.3% THC. If you’re looking for hemp derived oil, remember that something labeled “hemp oil” is not the same as CBD oil since it’s harvested from seeds and typically doesn’t contain any cannabidiol.

Marijuana derived CBD oil, on the other hand, comes from the cannabis plant that has lush flowers and is grown primarily for it’s intoxicating effects. Most of the flowers on these plants have higher levels of THC than CBD. That being said, there’s still many plants that are grown to be primarily CBD heavy. Marijuana derived CBD oil contains higher levels of THC than hemp derived oil.

Full Spectrum CBD oil vs. Broad Spectrum CBD oil

The effects of CBD oil products aren’t just dependent on hemp vs. marijuana CBD oil. There’s also cannabis compounds and ingredients that can affect your experience when taking CBD oil. These two types of oils and CBD isolate have many differences and because of that, the feelings of CBD oil can vary greatly depending on which type you’re taking.

Full Spectrum CBD

Full spectrum CBD oil is derived from the hemp plant and contains a range of cannabinoids, cannabidiol, terpenes, fatty acids, and trace amounts of THC (0.3% or less). Nothing has been filtered out during the extraction process.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Broad spectrum CBD oil is also derived from hemp and is really similar to full-spectrum CBD oil, but there’s an additional extraction process that filters out the trace THC. It contains a range of cannabinoids, cannabidiol, terpenes and fatty acids, but it doesn’t contain any THC. This type of CBD product is intended if you want to reap the relaxing benefits of CBD oil without the worry of potentially getting high (if that’s a worry to you).

CBD Isolate

There’s another option for those who are interested in CBD, and that’s CBD isolate. CBD isolate begins as oil and is then refined into a white powder or a crystalline solid. It’s stripped of all those cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids, and flavonoids and is the most refined form of non intoxicating cannabinoid. This option is decreasing in popularity as more scientific research is beginning to show that CBD is most effective when it contains those terpenes, fatty acids, etc., which is known as the “entourage effect”.

Does CBD Oil Give You A Buzz?

Hemp-derived oils should not get you high because they are non intoxicating. Rather than feeling stoned, depending on the type of CBD oil you take. How should you expect to feel? Users often report CBD may make you feel relaxed and calm. Using CBD is a great way to calm your body and mind down after a busy day if you’re looking to relax, but not be stoned.

A woman relaxes in a hammock, surrounded by greenery and good vibes. By Rowan Jordan via iStock
Photo credit: Rowan Jordan via iStock

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD products, and CBD oil in particular, have a few health benefits linked to them. CBD oil may help you treat anxiety and depression. It’s said that CBD can change the way your brain’s receptors respond to serotonin and it can also help to reduce stress. CBD oil is also widely used by many for pain relief. Many people take CBD oil because the effects of CBD on your brain’s receptors may help in managing pain. More recent studies have looked at how CBD oil can alleviate cancer-related symptoms by reducing symptoms related to cancer and side effects related to cancer treatment like nausea, pain, and vomiting.

It’s important to note, though, that CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. At this time, the food and drug administration has not approved any products that contain CBD.

Side Effects of CBD Oil

Though CBD doesn’t produce the same adverse side effects of THC, like any substance side effects can still be experienced. The most common side effects of CBD found in a

were lingering fatigue and changes in appetite and weight. Other side effects can include a dry mouth and diarrhea.

When it comes down to the lingering fatigue, it’s important to remember that CBD isn’t a sedative. CBD feels more like a calming feeling that can relax your receptors that communicate with your stress hormones (cortisol). If you’re just beginning to use CBD, we recommend starting off with a small dose of CBD so your body can slowly get used to it. Overtime, you may feel more of a sense of balance in your body rather than fatigue and drowsiness.

Like all supplements, start slow with your doses and monitor how it makes you feel. We recommend consulting your healthcare practitioner so they can assess your health profile and give you instructions and proper dosage amounts.

A woman adds hemp-based CBD oil to a cup of tea, by Vanessa Nunes via iStock
Photo credit: Vanessa Nunes via iStock

How to Take CBD Oil

There’s a few different ways to take CBD oil. One of the common ways of experiencing CBD is through vaping. Using this method, the inhalation can go directly into your bloodstream and you may experience effects within 15 minutes. Most users say this is their preferred method of experiencing CBD and it makes them feel good quickly.

Using a CBD tincture is another common way to take CBD oil. You can administer the dropper under your tongue and hold it there for around a minute before swallowing.

If you want to try edibles out, there’s many great CBD edibles on the market in the form of

chocolates, etc. One important thing to note is that you probably won’t feel any effects for at least an hour if you choose to experience CBD through edibles. This is because the CBD is partially broken down by the liver and the digestive tract, so it can up to two hours to kick in and you won’t feel the full effects of it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does CBD really do anything?

Yes, it does! CBD offers a relaxing and soothing feeling throughout the body. It’s a great non intoxicating alternative if you want to experience the feeling of being completely relaxed without feeling stoned. Your experience will be personalized due to the type of CBD oil you take and how often you take it. If one type doesn’t do anything for you, try a different one.

How does CBD oil make you feel?

CBD’s primary sensation is relaxation. Because CBD is also anti-inflammatory, it can reduce pain and relax the body. Basically, depending on the user and how often they use CBD, it can make you feel relaxed, and alleviate stress and pain depending on your body’s make-up and the type of CBD oil you use.

How does CBD vape make you feel?

People who vape have reported that by vaping CBD, they feel more relaxed and notice feelings of anxiety decrease. Many people prefer to vape CBD because it allows them to feel like effects of CBD right away.

High There

About The Author

High There